Sunday, 28 October 2012

Ding dong bell a quilt is finished!

In August I started making a small lapquilt for a friend who wanted to give something a bit different to her niece as a wedding gift!

I was happy to oblige and you may have seen some progress on the strip pieced quilt she chose from book Quilting Modern by Jacquie Gering and Katie Pedersen - the quilt is called Fractured!  Normally I like strip piecing as it is fairly mindless action - pick up a strip, any strip and sew it down - your eyes seem to be drawn to the next colour and you can just sew happily for hours!

Well something intervened - something with four legs, a tail and an irresistible wee face - which meant progress was a lot slower than normal!  But now it is finished and I am glad to say handed over to my friend...

Here is how it grew....

Here is how my four-legged distraction grew too...5 months now!

Could you resist this?  Ok Hadley I know you can....


  1. Your life has certainly been taken over by four legs! But the finished quilt is lovely!

  2. I love the wedding quilt. The colors are great, well blue is my favorite color! The background for the photo is awesome. As a kid we had a clothesline and we had to hang our clothes, ugh, much better for a beautiful quilt!

    Yesterday I read a few articles on tips for bloggers and you blog certainly has some of the things mentioned....great pictures, fun and interesting, your personality show through. Well done.

  3. Hi Nikky, great quilt and vvverrryyy cute doggy!!!! Hope to see you soon in West Sussex. Mel

  4. Oh she is sooooo cute I love her. My dog interferes with sewing time too (as blogged several times recently) but more directly by sitting on everything or sticking his face in the way....

  5. Quilt is great, but Molly is the cuuuuuutest!!! Come and visit and BRING MOLL!

  6. Lovely texture in the quilt and adorable pouch pics!

  7. Have I mentioned how amazing this is ? !

  8. The quilt is fab. Did you use blue nd white scraps or was there a specific recipe? I have a pack of fabric s-I-l sent me, all blue and white flowery that isn't enough to do anything with, but will be difficult to add to other than blue or white, and this looks like a solution?

  9. I've got to be honest, I think Maddie is the cutest thing in this post and has stolen the show (dogs have a tendency to do that!) ;o) The quilt is wonderful, I hope the happy couple were thrilled?

  10. Me again! Are you ok with me Pinning the pic? X x

  11. It's fantastic! What a great quilt! Love the colors with this design.

  12. The quilt is amazing, your friend will be pleased. the dog is SO cute!

  13. Aw, such a cutie.
    I love string quilts and yours is a beaut.

  14. Your quilt looks almost like an animal print - it's amazing. That book is on my wishlist - would you recommend it Nicky? The dog is just adorable - who couldn't love?

  15. That is one funky quilt!!! lovely!! Dog's pretty sweet too!!

  16. AWWWW! Such a cute face! And I love love love your quilt!


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