
Tuesday 3 July 2012

Outing to Vintage Market...

Had a little trip out last week to visit a small vintage market  - it is to be held monthly I believe in Wisborough Green village hall....

Not only some pretty things but all beautifully set out...

Who can resist playing with a tiny teaset ?  Not my friend Eloise anway - she had fun lining these up!  Now I wish I had taken a photo of that!

The car park was full when we arrived - normally a disadvantage wouldn't you say?  But not when you get to walk past pretty houses with gorgeous gardens in the sunshine!

The garden seems to be enjoying all the rain!  And it believes that summer is here too!

Well Mary what do you think?


  1. I could spend MONEY in there! lol x the houses and gardens look wonderful too x

  2. What a nice day out. Di x

  3. You have more fun than me. I'm jealous. But glad you had a good day out.

  4. Oh it looks lovely - and so very,very English!!

  5. Beautiful. I know you are tired of all the rain...but that is what makes the gardens so green.

  6. I would LOVE that little pink cradle in the first picture. The cottages are so beautiful. They have so much character. Love them

  7. I'd happily live in any of those houses ;o)

  8. What a lovely tour I just had!

  9. Wish someone would tell the weather that it is summer. We have been to Exeter today and it has rained solid ALL day. So not funny anymore. Love those pretty cottage gardens. What did you buy then SS?

  10. Wow! What a beautiful shop and gardens! Love vintage! Jxo

  11. all these lush gardens are the only plus side to all this rain. Looks like a great day out

  12. Such a pretty area :o) I don't think it's summer though...

  13. Looks like you had a lovely day!

  14. Looks like a fun day. Did you actually buy anything? =D

  15. Jealous! Thanks for taking us there with you through your blog.

  16. such a gorgeous garden and house and all those lovely things inside too :)


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