
Monday 2 July 2012

Catching up - my June in Fabric!

I think I was quite productive this month, with a rush of activity towards the Fat Quarterly Retreat and then a rush to finish my Finish-along projects for the quarter ending in June!

The centre photo is of my latest finish that just squeaked into June - the Fruity Polo Quilt!   Then clockwise round the edge starting top left corner:

  • Detail of Fruity Polo Quilt
  • Cherry purse
  • Leaf purse
  • My improv word blocks as Queen in Sew & Bee Happy for July
  • Leaf purse - the other side
  • Sew & Bee Happy block for Henny
  • Blocks for Bee Blessed x2 designed by Sarah!
  • Fruity Polo again x 2
  • Leaf purse again!
  • Stargazer block and siggy for May in Scrappy? Sew Bee it!
  • Sample Swap pouch for Fat Quarterly Retreat - front & back
  • First frame purse - made at FQR with Katy Jones
  • Porthole bock made at FQR with Lu Summers
  • Robin embroidered with Aneela Hooey at FQR
  • Cherry Purse - the other side
  • Scrappy? Sew Bee it block and siggy for Annika
  • And last of all My Friendship Garden quilt top completed! 

FQR was the ultimate experience this month and prompted me to start up the In the Frame Purse Swap with the ultra organised Helen aka archiethewonderdog - huge big thanks to Helen who is not joining in except as a brilliant swap mama.

It is ongoing.  I am so delighted with everyone who has joined in - what a great bunch of people you are!  And what beautiful purses are being made - to see them look here!  We are finishing at the end of July!

I have been greatly assisted in focusing on my UFOs this year by the lovely Rhonda and finished my Friendship Garden Quilt top ( hoping to finish the quilt next quarter ) and my Fruity Polo quilt - I love it!  Despite a few slip ups on the back!  Hoping a wash and dry will help sort a few of those out!

Bring on July!  Not expecting as much to be achieved this month - but who knows?

I am linking up to the lovely Lynne for fresh-sewing-day-july - I think most of us do now and if you don't - why don't you!?  Have a look and you too can join in the fun!


  1. Gosh you have been busy, lovely to see it all in one place

  2. what a fantastic month! Your fruity polo quilt is amazing!

  3. Such a great month of makes. I love the diversity and your quilt turned out brilliantly.

  4. It is amazing to see what you accomplished in one month. This will be a hard act to follow!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. A super productive month. Thanks too, as I was a recipient of one of your fantastic FQ Retreat zippy purses. Di x

  7. Wow, you've been busy! Great work.

  8. Fantastic finish! Now put your feet up and have a cup of coffee {or will it be tea?}!!!

  9. you super hardworking lady, take July off! Only kidding, I want more eye candy :-)

  10. Well done you, loving your fruity polos

  11. You got some great projects done last month! Will be watching out to see what you get done this month too! =D

  12. Wow, you did all of that in June! I feel tired now, I think I'll go rest on the sofa. I really like your cheery center quilt.

  13. Superb month. Love the leaf purse, wish I'd ade it into the swap - mabe next time.

  14. Great mosaic N! And I love the new look! Jxo

  15. What a brilliant month! Awesome work all round!

  16. Blimey! I thought June was a short month? You seem to have squeezed an awful lot into thirty days!!! I love it all!

    P.S. Ultra organised = bossy..I do hope not!


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