
Wednesday 14 September 2011

A Surprise and a new Obsession!

I went to my postbox yesterday and what did I find but a squishy package for me!  What have I bought and forgotten about I asked myself ?  But no I have not paid for the contents at all. 

Inside was a beautifully written card from Helen aka Archie the Wonder Dog thanking me for the gentle nudge I gave her to start blogging - well I am sure she really almost jumped before I nudged but I am happy to receive gifts any time and here is the sweet fabric she sent me and teeny, weeny buttons.

Thank you Helen and so glad you joined the party - blogland I feel is a much better place with you in it!  If you do not know Helen go look at her blog Archie the Wonderdog, at once! 

Now I may not have revealed my obsessive side to you before but it has been coming out in a frenzy of sewing activity up to date....and now a splurge of purchasing...

Look at this lovely fabric I bought at the local fabric shop 

Lots of lovely linens in gorgeous colours and the bottom pinky one is a Klona cotton which is slightly heavier than the Kona cottons!

Not for patchwork these, no these are for my new obsession - Free Motion Embroidery(FME)!  

Here is what I got up to yesterday - a little butterfly on some patterned upholstery weight fabric - a 40p scrap from the remnant bin of my local fabric shop!  I got to practice shading on the butterfly body - needs a little more experimentation and practice I feel before I get it sussed but not too awful for a first attempt!

All I need now is to find a little tutorial to make this into a journal cover and go and buy a journal!

I am really bitten by this bug and will try to keep both FME and patchwork going along but what a great way to use up those tiny scraps!  One feeds the other - a perfect crafting marriage!

Ok now we are in trouble I will be the one emptying your bins looking for gorgeous scraps I can use - in fact I had better go and look through my own first!   


  1. So glad you liked your little present - really wouldn't have jumped in for months!! Think I'm managing to keep afloat ;o) Love the FME - you've definitely been bitten! As you PA I've found a covered journal tutorial and some examples of other journals using the tutorial Love the new purchases, have fun!!! P.S. You're more than welcome to scavenge through my bin but I'm not sure you'd find much that would inspire you...(just lots of dog hair!!)

  2. Very nice FME, but after you've found the journal, you'll then have to keep it. Why not stay with the blog and let go of the journal idea? Maybe you could throw your sample over the computer screen, very late at night when you have closed up for the day.

  3. oh Nicky, whats the secret to FME, yours is brilliant! I find it sooo difficult to control enough. Help!

  4. Your embroidery is just gorgeous. Well done on learning a new craft. What lovely fresh fabrics.
    Lovely linens too!

  5. I love your fabrics and buttons from Helen!!! And your fabric purchases, too. You are having so much fun discovering the FME-- I'm looking forward to seeing what you create!! Did you find a tute for a journal cover? I have one bookmarked in a magazine, but that's not very helpful to you. I'm sure you'll be able to find one out there. Have fun with your new ventures!!

  6. Wow you really got to grips with fme fast!


  7. How great is Helen!?!? Your little surprise package of happiness would brighten anyone's day. They're beautiful fabrics!

  8. Isn't Helen just lovely. And your butterfly is v.cute. Jxo

  9. Lovely gift from Helen. And your FME is just about perfect already.


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