
Tuesday 13 September 2011

I'm Smitten...

I have wanted to do Free Motion Embroidery (FME) for so long.....

But it has taken this Goodie Swap hosted by the lovely Cindy at Fluffy Sheep Quilting to push me into it and I am LOVING it!  Yes I am shouting to anyone who will listen! 

I made a mugrug top that I love and I need to finish off so I can send it to my partner (sob, sniffle!)  but Sarah up in Shetland had the perfect and obvious answer - why don't you make another one - duh!  I can and I will!  I posted about that make yesterday!

Ages ago in preparation for taking on this goal of FME I bought a gorgeous book called Free & Easy Stitch Style by Poppy Treffry who lives in the UK in Cornwall!  You can get the book here!  And Poppy's website is Poppy

It's a great 'how to' book with details on how to set up your machine, how to outline, shade and do applique, and what fabric to use.    

Poppy talks about finishing your projects to get that professional look and how to make up the stitching into beautiful and useful items.  She lists 12 different lovely projects and there are variations within some of those categories.  She includes templates to start you off on your own free and easy stitch style!  Great book - destined to become my great friend!

So having tickled the surface on Sunday I thought I should dive in with one of the projects from the book yesterday!  Here is what I made using Poppy's templates and adding a bit of writing at the bottom!  In her book these motifs are on the patch pockets of a pinny but here I thought I'd make a picture for a friend who makes cupcakes as a business, or it could become a table runner, a cushion?

Would you like a......

Cup of tea and cake?  I may join you then!

Must remember next time to choose a plain backing for any writing I do !


PS And Hadley if you are looking at this post I know what you are thinking they look like (little snigger!) and now that I haven't mentioned it, I can't see them as anything else - but who has three!?


  1. LOL! I know 11 other people who are only going to look at these cupcakes a certain way!! They turned out great. I have her book and really love the freedom of this technique. It's addictive isn't it? Jxo

  2. Good Morning SS. I think you have found your niche. Great cherries with buns underneath. I can see that there is going to be a lot more in this department and I shall look forward to seeing it.

  3. Wow that writing is immaculate! I need to get me a look at that book... well done. (I'm trying not to comment on the cupcakes cos I'm one of Judiths 11..)

  4. Ok - I need to buy this book. Love it when someone does such a positive review of a book. Next stop - amazon. Your mug rug is gorgeous.

  5. LOL! What would Hadley possibly be thinking? Cute cupcakes!

  6. What is wrong with our Hadley? Dirty bird! (honestly, I'm giggling away here.) They're beautiful little cupcakes and I think they'd make a great table runner or mug rug. Either way, they'll be loved!

  7. Don't you blame me - I didn't start it!! It's that Terri and the Brit Bee gals - I am an innocent bystander, OK...collaborator!

  8. Wow, that writing is superb! I have no idea what on earth you're all on about ;o) Goodness knows what you'd all make of FME/appliqued coconut haystacks...So glad you've tried FME - as you're discovering it's very addictive!! Which nudges me to start my red&white quilt which is going to have a teeny bit of FME in it...

  9. Didn't they used to say Ann Boleyn had three? Nice work with your stitching!


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