
Friday 5 August 2011

Friendship's Garden getting friendlier..

I did not manage to get so much sewing done today - dreadful I know!

I was shopping for my daughter's new school uniform, which we had to buy from the on-site school shop!  We still have games/PE kit to buy and school shirts but we made a big dent in the long list of stuff.  We will get more next week.  

My sewing will soon be about labels, shifting buttons for a better fit and shortening sleeves as my girl is petite!

The sewing I did do was on the Friendship's Garden quilt.  Thanks people for all your lovely comments yesterday - your support is so appreciated and helps me get to the next stage - as you can see here...

I am falling in love with this quilt again which of course is good for motivation. I am sure I will feel extra pleased when this one is completed because the pattern is lovely, it is my oldest UFO so that in itself is cathartic, restarting it reminds me of the fun I had when I first did it and because it is for our double bed.  What better way to celebrate 24 years of marriage on 5 September 2011 if I can finish this in time!??  Well I am sure we can think of a few but I am trying to be realistic here!

I was thinking about quilting it in cotton perle (addicted or what?) - would it suit the style do you think? 

In the wreaths I would like to add the names of my children and their birthdates as a genealogical record.  And also add our wedding day - that way it will be hard to forget even in my dotage!

If you have any other suggestions as to quilting please let me know!


Edit:  Diane kindly pointed out that the book is not available at Amazon but it is still possible to get it here


  1. Pollo! I love the idea of quilting your family history into the quilt. It's going to make for a wonderful finish.

  2. It is looking even more beautiful. Trust your instincts and if in your head you want to use perle thread then go with it and find a way. Sounds like you have already thought it through.

  3. The quilt is beautiful and how apt to have all family dates included on it !!! xxx Another quilt I can't wait to see will have to put on a 'Tea and Quilt' afternoon sometime soon xxxxxxxxxxx

  4. Super progress. What a wonderful idea to put your children's names and your wedding date, it will definitely make it an even treasures heirloom quilt.


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