
Thursday 4 August 2011

Applique blocks trimmed and....?

Late night conversations can lead to action in the morning!  Liz from Quilterie prodded motivated me into getting out my applique quilt - a UFO from 2005 - and I have now trimmed all the blocks!  

Not only that I have also sashed and joined one row together!

Not only that I have sashed and joined another row together!

I have added a slim contrast border around my blocks to frame them, get a better balance of colour, make them slightly bigger so my 2" HSTs will fit and just because I love green!  

Then I have added the HST sashing, lots of which I had already waiting for me lying in the box, either sewn or cut out, so not all this is today's work!

Still got one row - the top row - to put together and more HST sashing between the rows.  One step at a time....!

Big thanks to Liz but also Sue, Lori, Marina and Mary for earlier comments trying to get me motivated on this one - it has worked!   Keep up the good work girls!


finished block size 20.5" square

 Alma Allen and Cherie Ralston's book Friendship's Garden, which you can still buy here!

previous posts


  1. I am convinced that you don't sleep. You certainly put the rest of us to shame. I just love what you've done so far, including that little lime green frame. What a beauty. Can't wait to see what Nicky does next!

  2. oh this looks great! keep going I loved this quilt and yes it has a sticky note on it to make some day!!!!!
    you need to finish this one!

  3. Oh that looks even more beautiful than just the finished blocks did. It's just gorgeous!!
    You are amazing.
    Go Team!!!

  4. Hi Nicky! Kathie sent me your blog post- she thought I'd be interested... And I AM!!! Good work on your friendship's garden quilt! Itls lovely!! Beautiful color choice... Keep going! I want to see it when it's done!-- Cherie

  5. Wow Nicky! These are gorgeous blocks! And the half square triangles are perfect...the bit of green is great! Nicky....I have a feeling you are sitting on a goldmine of UFO's!!! Each one just gets better :) Go Nicky!!!

  6. Oh it is going to look so nice when it's finished.....

  7. I'm so glad you are finishing that quilt top. Those blocks are just beautiful. I love the touch of green you are adding around them...I like green, too. I love the Blackbird Design books, too.

  8. Wow! You sure are making great progress on your quilt. The pattern is delightful. Are those pineapples on the one block? Love those! You'll have this project finished in no time knowing you!

  9. Love the way the blocks are joined. They look incredibly pretty.

  10. As ever, you have astounded me !!! They look really amazing !!!! xxxxxx

  11. The blocks are stunning - glad you have got them out again. The sashing with the triangles works so well. I look forward to seeing the completed quilt.

  12. That quilt is going to be beautiful. What am I saying - it already is beautiful.

  13. Look at what you've accomplished already! Amazing!!

  14. I love all your quilts, but honestly this is the most beautiful. The applique, the skinny sashing, the colours, and all those HST's. Love them all! I looked up the book on Amazon but it's out of stock now!
    Please could you tell me how you fit everything in?


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