My dear dear friend Helen is starting up a links page for blogs to encourage us to read blogs, write blogs and socialise in general. It’s a crafty blog sort of a thing ...write about your craftiness done during the past month or look forward to your plans for the coming month and link up - then review at the next link up. She will be ably assisted by her tiny friend mA and he will be keeping a sharp eye out for any slackers that need a bit of a prod with a pointy stick to get going...

Indeed I feel a bit of a prickle at the back of my neck ....wondering if that could possibly be him?
Today I’ve been a bit distracted - while feeling ill I’ve been watching back to back episodes of Marie Kondo’s show on decluttering and so I suddenly decided to start tidying up my sewing room today.
I’ve emptied a whole lot of stuff into the lounge - now the whole house is in turmoil! But part of my sewing room is beginning to look great.
I’ve taken down one design wall and moved it so I can hang up a little quilt hanging I’ve had for ages but no wall space to put it up.
I made this hanging with help from my first ever bee - Sew and Bee Happy. It was an attempt to work out my making process so has words and images associated with those words and quite good FMQ if I may say so? A lot better than anything I can do now anyway....