
Tuesday 15 March 2016

Scraptastictuesday - March winners

I've been working on my Triffid background as you do!

All those bits and bobs have been stitched together but it needs about 16" on the bottom !  

So I haven't got it finished yet but I will soon...

In the meantime, let's award the March Scraptastic Tuesday Winners, and first, thank you to our generous sponsors:

A huge thank you to our generous sponsors for providing the following prizes which will be awarded randomly among those of you who link up.
    We will be emailing all of the winners today. Thank you for sharing your March scrappy inspiration and please plan to join Leanne from She Can Quilt and I again on the second Tuesday in April - April 12 - for the next Scraptastic Tuesday link.

    1 comment:

    Hello, I'd really like to hear from you...