
Tuesday 9 February 2016

Scraptastic Tuesday - February link up

[Giveaway post still going here!]

Here we are in February already!

I am definitely feeling the need of a bit of sunshine - can you tell?

While trying to finish two things that needed finishing I started two new totally unplanned things !  What is that all about?  

Well I did have a cute wee applecore acrylic template and still have lots of Karen's blueberry park scraps so the two sort of went together....  Love those colours - they could even be my favourites!  And I'll be hand piecing them together as they are just too fiddly to machine stitch - I did try a couple but didn't really enjoy it.  

I'm stitching them into rows and then joining the rows.  All hand stitching now and that is so much more relaxing.

Just what I needed to brighten my day!

This will be no bigger than a cushion cover I think - unless I go completely mad and decide it should be a quilt...?

Well it is time to show Leanne and I what scrappiness you have been up to....

A huge thank you to our generous sponsors for providing the following prizes which will be awarded randomly among those of you who link up.

      Please join Leanne from She Can Quilt and I by linking up a blog post or flickr or instagram photo sharing a scrappy project, in progress or finished, or your thoughts on dealing with your scrap mountain:
      • You don't have to have joined us before, everyone is welcome.
      • One link per person, and it will be your entry into the random draw for the prizes. It is the same link up here and at  Leanne's blog She Can Quilt  - so you only need to link up on one of our blogs.
      • You can link up from your blog, instagram or flickr, but you have to link up to be entered in the prize draw.
      • Please visit at least a few of the links, they are very inspiring, and leave comments too as everyone loves to connect. 
      • Use the Scraptastic Tuesday button and invite your friends to join us too. Please share our button, or a link or the hashtag #scraptastictuesday in your linked post or photo.
      • The link is open until next Monday night at 10:00 pm MST. We will announce the winners next Tuesday. 
      • If you have trouble linking up, let me or  Leanne   know and we will get you sorted.

      An InLinkz Link-upSew Me a Song


      1. They are beautiful sunny colours Nicky - I couldn't imagine handsewing them all together! Just to let you know I couldn't find the link up button on your page!

      2. Looking good but I'm not sure about hand sewing!

      3. you made me remember I have a applecore piece started, it is not very large - about the size of a placemat, I need to quilt it and use it for something.

      4. I have always loved apple cores but have never tried them. Yours look very small, a cushion size should be plenty I expect, but those fabrics and colours look pretty sweet.

      5. Oh Nicky, those colors are so yummy, you just brightened my day too!!!

      6. I have a couple of hand stitching projects I want to try but first I need to get a little better at hand stitching.

        I could use some sunshine and warm weather here too.

      7. Cute cute cute! I love apple cores and your color selection!
        Thanks for the heads up on Scraptastic Tuesday. I'm linked!

      8. Thanks for hosting this delightful linkup, Nicky. It's always fun to see what everyone is doing. Enjoy your apple cores.

      9. Two birds one stone ;) Glad I remembered to link up!

      10. Do you have the required paperwork for this unauthorised start?


      Hello, I'd really like to hear from you...