
Monday 11 January 2016

Have a Scraptastic Tuesday New Year - January Link up

Are you starting 2016 in a Scraptastic Tuesday way ?

Leanne and I do hope so!

We are all set for another year and I still have loads of scraps.

Here are the scrappy projects that I'd like to finish this year:  

1 the triffid quilt - pure fantasy this one!

2. An Irish chain sort of a quilt in Spring colours

3. Leftovers from cutting out my clamshell quilts which could be appliquéd onto a background - not sure if they are flowers, birds or something else

4. A hexy star quilt - hexies donated by Gayle Brindley and Helen

5. Finally a nine patch....

So do you have a list of scrappy projects ?  If so we'd love to see them.  If not we still want to see what scrappiness you have been up to.

Be sure to visit Leanne @ She Can Quilt and a few other people who have linked up.

A huge thank you to our generous sponsors for providing the following prizes which will be awarded randomly among those of you who link up.
    • Massdrop - Little Bird Fat Quarter Bundle
    Please join Leanne from She Can Quilt and I by linking up a blog post or flickr or instagram photo sharing a scrappy project, in progress or finished, or your thoughts on dealing with your scrap mountain:
    • You don't have to have joined us before, everyone is welcome.
    • One link per person, and it will be your entry into the random draw for the prizes. It is the same link up here and at Leanne's blog - She Can Quilt  - so you only need to link up on one of our blogs.
    • Please visit at least a few of the links, they are very inspiring, and leave comments too as everyone loves to connect. 
    • Use the Scraptastic Tuesday button and invite your friends to join us too. Please share our button, or a link or the hashtag #scraptastictuesday in your linked post or photo.
    • The link is open until next Monday night at 10:00 pm MST. We will announce the winners next Tuesday. 
    • If you have trouble linking up, let me or Leanne know and we will get you sorted.


    1. the quilts all look wonderful and what great ways to use up scraps

    2. The Triffid quilt looks awesome. Can't wait to see more of that one. I'm sure you'll get all these quilts done in no time. You are such a fast worker. Go Nicky! Go! ;^)

    3. Your projects look great. Love the colors in your 9 patch!

    4. Love the Triffid. Looks like your Triffid feeds on scraps. Yay.

    5. I'm crazy about the Triffid! Can't wait to see where it goes!

    6. I love, love, love your triffid quilt. It's fanciful, enticing, delightful. I can't wait to see your progress on it. Thanks for hosting Scraptastic Tuesday.
      Nancy. (ndmessier @,

    7. Interesting projects. I don't have a list of scrappy projects but I sure like to use them especially if they are rainbow colors :)


    Hello, I'd really like to hear from you...