
Monday 5 January 2015

FAL - last of this year!

It is the end of this wonderful year of the Finish Along 2014, superbly led by Katy Bear aka the Littlest Thistle and I have managed to squeeze one more finish from my list in the period of time I call No-Man's-Land!

With only five quilts from this quarter finished I am lagging behind my usual standards for this year.  

I did not finish all my UFOs this year but I have finished sixteen out of twenty, plus a few other quilts, started this year.   My Q4FAL post is here.

So about that last minute it is along with it's scalloped knife edge...

Close up of the quilting which was all by hand...

The quilting from the back where it shows up better...

It is made out of Oakshott and I was inspired to make it by my lovely online friend Mary Dugan aka Molly Flanders and the Flowering Snowball Quiltalong she ran.  I am very late in finishing but I made it in the end.

I am thinking of calling it Trinity as I wanted to make three different Flowering Snowball quilts but combined them in one!  Such a new move for me and one that could save me making a whole host of quilts if I can keep it going.

According to my rules all unfinished quilts from 2014 become UFOs in 2015 - for some reason that makes me quite happy as I can legitimately work on any of them!

It also means I have eight UFOs to finish and that is less than half the number I started the year with in January 2014.  To me that sounds promising....

Linking up to :
Finish Along 2014


  1. Well done you! How's it going with our friend in the north's tally, are you ahead or behind on the new starts now?

  2. Well done, Happy New Year Nicky <3

  3. You've done so well Nicky - I'm very impressed!!

  4. I love that flowering snowball quilt! Well done on all the finishes this quarter...not so well done on all the new starts this year ;o) (Does that answer Katy's question?!)


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