
Sunday 14 December 2014

A bit like buses....

You wait quite a while, ....  

then there are three all at once...  

It was a bit like that with these Siblings Together quilts...

well the three all at once bit!
Thanks to the lovely and generous Ayrshire ladies who attend my Bee Mate Sheila's classes and joined in so enthusiastically in making blocks for me to make three quilts for the Siblings Together charity.

The pattern for this block is available here.   Thanks Sarah for writing that up.

I will be making more quilts for this charity with different patterns and if you want to help by making blocks be sure to let me know.  

I'd like to have a great big pile to hand over - the charity does such a necessary job of keeping children in the UK care system in touch with their brothers and sisters.

Linking up to FAL 2014

Finish Along 2014


  1. Great block! And super quilts for a fab charity!

  2. Good work! These are each beautiful quilts!

  3. Nicky, many thanks for this post which I will link to my ladies. They will be thrilled to see finished quilts full of their blocks. What super quilts you have made from such an assortment of colours.

  4. They're a veritable hive of industry down there on the coast!


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