
Monday 19 August 2013

Not quite stamped out but taking a rest for a little while as I am in admin mode now chasing up a few loose ends before pairing people up as partners in the Stamp It Up Swap!  If you are kicking yourself for not joining up then email me and I'll see what I can do!

In the meantime I have resolved to catch up on a bee I have let slip - my Star of Africa Bee!

I am six - yes six blocks behind!  It is shocking isn't it !   Many of us have slipped behind as it is a challenging task to make a block to the QB's theme and make it representing your country of origin at the same time!  At least I have found some blocks challenging!  Actually it is not so much what to do but more how to do it!

Yesterday I thought I'd make a start on clearing the backlog.

I looked up the details of all my outstanding blocks and did this...

Ok it may not look like much but it will have four celtic knots stitched on it when I'm done!

Here is a close up of is for Cindy!

What is that??  The beginning of a thistle - national floral symbol of Scotland and it is for Veena!   Ok I know just the bulbous prickly bits to show as yet - I am not decided whether to applique or stitch the purple flower bit.  The leaves will be more applique but I need to draw them out properly - it has started though!

And lastly dear old Nessie!  Furthest on because I've made this one twice before and Leanne asked for it.  I aim to please!  Bit of stitching yet to do and that one will be finished!

Still got these to do:  a castle for Fiona - still dithering about how I'm doing it, a Rowan tree for Brinda and a set of bagpipes for Irene.  I'm going to start them all and work on whichever one calls the loudest as I must finish these!

And I have two other bee blocks to work on - a spiderweb star for Janine and a log cabin for Lisa!   But that is a different bee! Nobody has been forgotten ! I think I just ran out of steam a bit but am back in business now!


  1. bit behind on bee blocks myself... nessie rocks

  2. Sounds like the SoA Bee blocks frazzle your brain just like they do mine Nicky! Have been thinking of Northumbrian pipes for my block for Irene, but can't work out how to make them or make them look different from Scottish Bagpipes :)

  3. Oh you so don't have time for stamping right now missy! ;o)

  4. I have never seen a bagpipes block before so looking forward to seeing that one!!

  5. Lot of work to keep you busy there!

  6. Finish Nessie first :) I think she's my fav.

  7. im trying to get up to date on the SoA blocks too, so I've left myself off the stamp swap as its not fair to let more people down!


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