
Monday 15 July 2013

Last minute lulu!

Yes that is me!  Trying to keep plates spinning, juggling balls in the air and sending my son off to Turkey for a holiday with friends while getting ready for FQR and hosting a patchwork 'how to' at our church!

So much fun all at the same time!  Lucky me!  

However before I can give my whole attention to FQR there is one bit of housekeeping to do - writing my Finishalong list for Quarter three.

I have had a serious case of startitis this year - causing my dear friend Helen to have lumps on her head as she bangs it on the desk in despair of me ever finishing anything.  

Last quarter was a bit thin on finishes!  Argh!

Only this one!

So I still have all these to finish from Quarter 2.

You've seen this one every quarter I think - and it is still hanging around!

No progress made on the Wonky houses this past quarter but only a border to add....

This is for my daughter in the above photo - she loves red and has tidied her bedroom - best room in the house now !   She deserves a finished quilt...

This one will be done by Friday!   Quilting has started - just need to add a bit more and bind!   It is the Stingy Bee group quilt for Siblings Together.

 These blocks are the product of my first bee Sew and Bee Happy - to make a hanging for my sewing room.   

I want to add in some picture blocks of sewing stuff....I was thinking Foundation Pieced but maybe I should fussy cut some printed pictures after all there is enough sewing related prints out there....even got some in my stash!

My Kona colour chart to be!  I have many more colours to add...

But my plan for Quarter Three was to add these to the mix!

My International book shelf from my Star of Africa bees!  

And Sana's red riding hood block which I love but can't find my own photo to share with you here so Sana said I could use hers!   Isn't it just the cutest and Sana's first attempt at this sort of thing - you have to agree she has mastered it first time around!

My Rose Star quilt - I'd just like a bit of progress on this one!

My basket sampler - an oldie which I fell out of love with - it was just too pink until I added the grey round it!   Now I think I could do something with it!

Yes I did start the Farmer's Wife...

And the Hexalong with Lynne...

Well now I will just have a mammoth list and will see how far I get through these UFOs.

And just in case I don't have enough I might tackle these more recent projects!  They are more my current style I think...and therefore easier to work on I think....

The Scrappy? Sew bee it quilt - My Charmers top nearly done!

My Arrowhead Star bee quilt!  I am getting some of my blocks at FQR when I meet some of my lovely Modern Stitching Bee mates!   Eek excited about that!

And another bee quilt in the making - my choice as QB for August in Stingy Bee - the offset cross quilt

Then there is this Pyramid quilt I cut out inspired by the lovely Annabella!

And Baby Bear Paws inspired by Lucy and Janine - both lovely too - and hosting a Bear Paw group on Flickr!

And I have this project - Tulip Star which I want to write a tutorial for - there is only one block so far but you can do wonders with a mosaic!  

And finally a project I haven't shown on my blog yet!  Made in purple and grey from delectable mountain blocks but sewn in a more contemporary layout.  Modern mountains perhaps??

OK only 18 projects here!  Haha!  I am crazy but my nature is such that as soon as I tell myself I have to do one project that becomes the last thing on earth I want to do!  Stubborn, procrastinating, obdurate, timewasting - all good descriptions of my wayward ways.

I thought if I list everything I might get something done or a bit of progress on every one would be good! 

Linking at last with the lovely Leanne....


  1. well if you are going to have a finish .. make it a good one xx They will all be finished at SOME point in time so dont worry about it x

  2. I'm sure they will all get day!

  3. I see your plan! At least this way you can pick and choose which ones you get to work on!

  4. What a lovely blog post! Felt like I'd read a whole patchwork book :-)

  5. I havent read the whole post, but I will! Just wanted to let you know that you can use my picture from flickr if you want to ;-) Looks like you are and will be busy!

  6. So many projects! And I can't say that there's a single one that I don't like! My particular favourites are the giant heart quilt and the tulip block. As for the Kona colour chart - inspired!

  7. Wow you have some amazing projects coming down the line. Finishing any one of these will be a huge accomplishment. Fab list and I look forward to watching these progress :)

  8. Well good luck with that then! Have you thought of therapy?

  9. Wow! you have a very long list and many beautiful projects:)

  10. I love your wordy quilt! BUT you need to reel it in!!!!! LOL

  11. Blinking 'eck! I knew I should have organised that intervention...

  12. I'd explode if I had that many projects on the go - wow! Well done and good luck! Juliex

  13. I'm not counting SS , Helen would have a very big headache if she saw the state of my UFO 's and the ever growing list. Good luck with the finishes. Cheering you on from the sidelines.

  14. You are so brave to list them all! Love that.:) As I was scrolling thru, I thought 'this one's my favorite', then I'd find another one that I liked better until finally you showed the delectable mountain blocks! That one is AMAZING! Can't wait to see what you do next!

  15. Happy to do some Sibling binding sewing at the weekend if you run out of time before then. Fabulous projects

  16. I need to go lie down in a darkened room! Jxo

  17. I can't stop laughing at that long list. I will watch your progress on it...... Still laughing.....Di x

  18. Wow. I need to do this too - although I've been so very absent from blog land I forgot the Q3 linky, whoops! Good luck Nicky!

  19. Okay, you win. For the LONGEST and most AMAZING list. Wow. :o)

    Best of luck, Nicky! Cheering you on and looking forward to seeing your progress.

  20. You sound like me! As soon as something must be done I lose the love for it. I reckon you are right up there with Katy The Littllest Thistle for WIP. I'm a starter too. I do finish most things, but not in the order things were started, if you know what I mean.

  21. think you for making my list look far less scary!

  22. I can't decide which I like more, your Longshott quilt (which I saw on Lily's Quilts) or your finished one from this post. For some reason I don't see that many quilts whose blocks form one huge shape. Would you be interested in showing them off in the quilting community on Kollabora, the crafting site I work at?

  23. My heart is going out to the poor child that actually tidied her room and STILL doesn't have a quilt! You get on that right now! And good luck with it all :oD


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