
Saturday 8 June 2013

Baby bear is impatient!

I found another little jar of bonus HSTs and we know what that means!  More baby bear paws!

So I got busy ....

Enjoyed a bit of cute fussy cutting....

And made these....

And because I was making several I was using this to keep all the pieces in place till I could stitch them - made this one last year...

as my entry to the Umbrella Prints Challenge

But I didn't have enough space so of course I had to make another - this time an 8" block tidy ( is there a proper/accepted name for this?) using two orphan blocks I made in April!

And I have got some more gorgeous felt to make a 12" one!    No excuse then for dropping pieces all over the floor or loosing them!

I also had a bit of fun - who doesn't like to follows footsteps and find out where they lead!

Er not Maddie then??!  She thought it might be edible - the rule is anything that lands on the floor is mine!  Right?

Sorry Maddie - not in this case !   


  1. Lovely little bearpaws - I haven't ever made any, perhaps I should do something about that?! juliex

  2. Oh, they're so cute - I'm going to have to make some! The block tidy things look great, there's something else I need to make!
    P.S. Hello Maddie! *waving* Archie says you should pinch a BB block and ransom it for a biscuit or three!

  3. Impatient? I'd be downright pissed off if you'd shut me in a jar ;o)

    PS, surprised Maddie can see anything through that 'fringe' :oD

  4. Beautiful paws!Love those tidy block keeper things - they are on the list :)

  5. Paws and tidy block keeper are lovely. Di x

  6. oh my gosh the baby paws are AMAZING!! I might have to start keeping all my offcuts to do the same! The blocks keepers are genius!

  7. But where did they lead? you have left us guessing again!

    Aaaah ! I know! to the pyjama party!

  8. Oh we're going on a bear hunt....!!!

  9. These are so cute! But I think 'several' doesn't quite cover it!! Jxo

  10. Oh these are tiny but so gorgeous! The keeper is so gorgeous! what a lovely block on the front and back

  11. what gorgeous little paw blocks. Your block keeper is great too.

  12. they are so cute! (and so is Maddie!)

  13. They're gorgeous, and the fussy cuttings perfect. Cute dog :)


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