
Sunday 3 March 2013

Two orphans find a home!

Over a year ago I had tried out a block that caught my eye - the Asterisk block - still to be found here and if you google it you will find several variations now!

I had thought at the time that I might make a quilt of these but only got as far as making two blocks.  Well I can't do magic and stretch two little blocks anywhere near a quilt and quite frankly have lost interest in doing so.

They are on my FAL list so I didn't just want to ignore them yesterday this is what happened - these two orphan blocks 

Became this cute pouch!

Do I like my asterisk pouch?  Have to say that I do and revisiting pouch making is good practice for my modernscrappybitsswap pouch for my partner.   Wouldn't want to mess up the birdy would I!?

Another FAL project bites the dust !  That makes three down and three to go!  


  1. Well recycled! I'd better get on to my next FAL item...

  2. I think we're on the same wavelength as this is what I'm going to do with an orphan block but I'm saving it for FAL Q2! It's great, I hope mine looks half as lovely!

  3. I really like your asterisk pouches and great use of the orphans - if you had another couple of pouches they could stand for a 'naughty' word ;)


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