
Thursday 14 March 2013

Shall I show you mine ....?

I entered the modern scrappy bits swap with glee as it is a relatively low stress swap and is fun to make for!

I made a frame purse in my first go and then the birdy pouch this time around.  Both were a pleasure to make - I do like that in a swap when my taste co-incides with my partner's!  Still waiting for the birdy to arrive but I am hopeful that he will get a warm welcome (wink, wink!)

Last time round I received a cute hexagon pieced purse from Grammypat but I have not shown you what I received yet this time and there is no excuse as it arrived on the same day I bid farewell to birdy!  That certainly lifted my spirits!

Here is my lovely fabric basket with cute fairy tale fabrics - I may have mentioned that I like those somewhere and my lovely partner Sarah picked up on that and my love of green, and text fabric!  

I can have lots of fun playing I-spy with it as I turn it round on my sewing table where it already has a place.   And it is huge so it will help me to be a bit more tidy - always a problem for me until I have had enough and do a spot of cleaning!

Not only that but I got some great scraps to go with, including some adorable Japanese fairytales - I do so love those!  In fact I find them irresistible  - just ask Helen, Sarah and Trudi - they followed my passion during the japanesecharmswap!  

Some fab wee pieces of HR (Heather Ross) are there too, some Echino and lots I don't know yet!

I am keeping these special little treats in the basket at the moment but I may have to make something soon with some of those particular favs!

Thank you so much Sarah - you caught my inner child and made it into a basket!   Not as painful as it sounds!


  1. Sounds as if you enjoyed the swap and that basket will sure help on the organizational front. Di x

  2. Gorgeous! Those scraps are fantastic, too!

  3. So lovely, and so right for you. Really great scraps too!

  4. Gorgeous! And practical too! jxo

  5. Sounds like a great swap and your partner nailed your likes completely!

  6. Ooh love the teeny square of Peter Pan fabric!

  7. I love that basket, there are so many lovely squares to look at and admire! I think you're going to have lots of fun with those scraps!

  8. Your partner certainly ticked all the right buttons there Nicky!

  9. Ooh err, first you tell us you're going to show us yours,a nd then you start talking about your bits, and all pre watershed ;o)

  10. Gorgeous swap!! Enjoy the goodies!!

  11. Love this Nicky! So, you say you like green and fairy tales...


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