
Tuesday 22 January 2013


According to my friend Susan , KISS = Keep It Simple Stupid!  It is a phrase that  seems to appear a few times on her blog and I have decided to take her advice for once regarding the back of a quilt.

She often teases me for making double sided quilts but I am just trying to get two UFOs out of the way or more recently desperate to try something new I've seen and my only excuse for a new project is if it helps me finish an existing project.

Well for once I'm just stitching big blocks of fabric together for a speedy finish and I love it!

Bye bye UFO, bye bye old fabric from my stash and soon bye bye quilt !  My daughter would like to give it to a friend and I am happy for her to do so!

The front

The back

The finished quilt with a scrappy binding....

Details of the quilting - oyster like shapes in the background sections.....

 and straight lines in the borders at different angles....

I am liking the quilted bits !  Not at all what I had planned up until the very moment that I stuck it under the needle!  I had intended to quilt the stars - ah well heigh ho!   Plans are over-rated in my opinion....

KISS! KISS! XX   First of my FAL projects completed!


  1. Oh my the quilting is GORGEOUS! Fantastic finish, Miss N. Absolutely beautiful.

  2. Lovely quilt! Lovely quilting!!

  3. Lovely! Great quilting missus :-)

  4. I like the little bursts of pink in this quilt, it's very homely looking :) And the quilting is perfect!

  5. I love this quilt, Nicky, and I love your simple pieced backing too. Look at you go, another UFO off the pile. Yay! And I do the KISS rule because round here I need to keep it simple or it all goes horribly wrong for me.

  6. Hurrah! Its terrific, well done! And well done for resisting the urge to make a fancy back that then becomes the front ;o)
    P.S. The quilting is marvellous!

  7. I love the bright colors and the quilting was a great choice! Sometimes when you sit down to actually quilt it an idea comes along that you just have to go with. Someone's going to be very happy with this.

  8. Very nice quilting! I've been playing a lot with different FMQ designs, trying to move away from just an all over pattern, and make the quilting more part of the quilt design.

  9. Woohoo! Finished! Quilting is fab and as it's going out of the house, you don't have to look and it and be reminded of the plan! It's all good!

  10. what a fantastic finish!! love the quilting, you have done a great job.
    bet they will love it.
    another big tick off the list!

  11. She's a very wise woman that Susan and I had no idea what KISS stood for. The quilt is great and your quilting is incredible. Yea for a stunning finish!

  12. Oh my what a quilt topped off with the beautiful quilting. Congrats on the finish and finding it a home. Di x

  13. And what an amazing finish!! Live your quilting too

  14. what a smashing quilt - the quilting is brill

  15. Oh wow. Nicky you make me love every quilt you make more and more, I am so jealous! I think it is wonderful :-)

  16. Well done on your first FAL finish - its lovely.

  17. Well done on your KISS finish! The plaids make it look like a lovely, snuggly quilt. Fsb quilting too, as always! Jxo

  18. You might think of it as a kiss backing, but it made me laugh - its not far off the block size in the irst quilt I ever made!! I love the stars and the quilting, but the back is fab too!

  19. well done on the finish - it looks great :-D

  20. Well you know I'm with Susan on the kiss ethos!
    This is a cracking quilt with great quilting too Nicky x

  21. so great to get the first finish done ! love your quilting and who needs plans :)


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