
Sunday 18 November 2012

Talking Turkey!

I started off blogging with about thirteen quilts at the top stage which had become UFOs.  I have been working on them - and other things I confess - steadily and have made good progress.  Largely due to a lot of cheerleading from bloggy friends and some Flickr groups I have joined!

The first group I joined with this aim was called UFO Domination run by Staci, then I looked on as others joined Sarah's Summer Sewing and Winter Stitching - I just wasn't organised  enough to join those ones- but I did join Rhonda's 2012-finish-a-long this January and did well enough in the first two quarters!  And May's Lazy Bums - she told me I had to - hehe!  

Well since about July I have been a bit pathetic in the finishing off stakes though I did get a commission quilt finished, and my Hallowe'en quilt done - albeit in November!  

So why am I wanting to talk turkey?

Well it was a challenge laid down by Janet in the Lazy Bums group, to tackle a turkey as it was coming up to Thanksgiving in the US! 

Ok not one of these but a quilt we look at and think why on earth did I start that - what was I thinking??

I am pleased to say that I have been turkey wrangling this month and have finally laid to rest a quilt I am not in love with.

This is a basketweave quilt which I put together in strips in a Quilt as You Go way and just sat there!  

My original plan was to showcase my handquilting with lots of detail including a couple  of intertwining leaves and tiny cross-hatching in the background.  Well I only got as far as doing one panel....  

My next idea was to stick to the leaves but in cotton perle - I didn't even finish one panel!

But I have finally finished this quilt with machine quilting. 

 It is now a sampler of quilting patterns - some I like, some I don't.  I don't think that really matters though - it is finished!

Several patterns are taken from the Angela Walters book, Free Motion Quilting...

Love the texture this gives but hated doing it - so tedious!

Sunrays & pebbles

This was better as there was some variation!


Think these were supposed to be more rounded - but hey !

And my favourite - super fun!

Flower power

Others are inspired by this sourcebook of Pattern Motifs from different countries and periods of history

A MacIntosh Rose in the Art Nouveau Style

A representation of water in a Japanese style

I may still not adore this quilt but I enjoyed attempting the quilting of it and therefore it was finished in a week!  And I am pleased that it is now FINISHED!

My lesson from this is to love what I'm doing .......or love doing it differently!


  1. That looks like a very large quilt. Congrats on getting it done.

  2. What a fabulous idea! But this quilt doesn't look like a turkey! Great lesson and lovely finish!

  3. It's so hard sticking with a project you are not connecting with, so well done on your finish. Jxo

  4. I can see why this lurked in your UFO pile for quite a while *wink* but the quilting is wonderful and I can't begin to imagine doing all that in a week - you're my hero! Using an 'I don't love it, in fact I'm beginning to detest it' quilt for FMQ practice is a great way of getting it finished and enjoying at least some of the process and I'm really impressed you finished it - well done!
    P.S. I love the red (burgundy?) binding - it really lifts the dark green!

  5. I echo Helen's comments. You have really stuck with this project and FINISHED it. Well done Mrs Sew and Sow. Di x

  6. I am putting together some quilts just to encourage me to try different fmq patterns, you have used this quilt brilliantly. It would be a wonderful picnic basket or if you sit outdoors in cool weather to watch sports or enjoy the stars, or on a coolish windy summers day at the beach.

  7. I really admire your perseverence in sticking with something when most of us would have put it back in a dark place. Cheering you on loudly.x

  8. Nicky I am impressed. Like you said for yourself, the colours are so not my thing either, but you really have given us all a good pointer. If you dont love it, then do something different with it - spot on!

  9. Good for you! Despite your "not quite positive" feelings for this one, you managed to quilt it fabulously and it looks wonderful. Great job!

  10. I think completeing a project you've fallen out of love with is just the hardest thing to do. I hate having UFO's so if I suddenly realise the quilt/project won't work I recycle it into something else. I get the good feeling of having something that does work for me and none of the guilt of having an unfinished shouting at me from a bag/drawer

  11. I think you are fantastic to have finished this- it's so big yet you tried experimenting in every block, so if wasn't just any old 'quick finish'!!!! Good for you! Great job!

  12. lovely your quilting sampler quilt... what a great idea.....

  13. well done on your finish! I think the different quilting patterns are a great idea too.Will be a great reference for you too.

  14. Now you may roast it for Christmas! well stuffed, I am sure you can do a really tasty job!

    No, it is a great finish, perhaps you set too high an object at first, and by machining you brought it back to size!

  15. Ah but look at what you have tried.... That FMQ .... It's aleays good to practise. I think if is important to finish them off though.

  16. you have way more will power then me!!

  17. Great finish and utterly fabulous quilting!!

  18. Love the idea of a FMQ sampler quilt. Yay for another finish!

  19. Oh my goodness! You amaze me! It is fantastic and your free motion quilting is fabulous! Where do you find the time and energy, Nicky?

  20. Well it's always good to have something to practice on :oD

  21. Yea for any finish in my book and good for you in getting this done. Your FMQ is fabulous...dahling!!

  22. I love all those different varieties of quilting! The sun rays and pebbles are my favourite. Congrats on finishing your UFO :)


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