
Saturday 7 July 2012

Village Vintage fair

Cousins from Scotland are visiting at the moment and so I thought I would take one daughter and her similarly aged cousin to the Village Vintage fair at Cuckfield!

Well they raced round in about half an hour and so I sent them off to visit the village as well!

But in the meantime I chatted, viewed and bought

I think I'd like someone to come into my home and stage it like this!   And then other days I prefer retro or modern!  I am a bit fickle like that....

This is what the girls took a fancy to

And here is Michele hiding from my camera!  Just about the lovliest stall holder you could ever hope to meet!

She was laughing as ever though it may have been something to do with the liquid in her mug rain having stopped!

And do you want to see what I bought??

You do??

I am glad!  I was going to show you anyway!

A couple of vintage trimmings - to decorate a purse or two!?

Some green glass vases

A vintage linen tablecloth with applique

Yarn made from recycled fabric - silk, cotton and linen!  Some knitting may be in the offing...

And a wicker basket - I prefer these to plastic boxes for my sewing projects

That's the whole haul.  The Cath Kidson silk dress got away this time ...


  1. Looks like a really lovely day.
    and that basket is so gorgeous

  2. Oooh, good job my DD hasn't spied the dress, she is prom dress hunting! (yes a year to go and dress shopping already!) lovely haul :) x

  3. What a great looking market, vintage is always so pretty.
    Great buys there =D

  4. What a lovely fair! I love what you've bought, especially the vases and the basket! You'll have to make yourself a red cloak so you can pretend to be RRH when you take your sewing into the garden *wink*

  5. Perfect day out I would say! Di x

  6. I'm sure I had on of those vintage appliqué tablecloths, wonder where it is, and I love love lcve the green cubby cabinet! What a great village fair

  7. Well done on being so restrained... ;o) Love that wee green teaset at the top.

  8. More fun and less rain there then!

  9. I think we must be twins cos I'd love my home to look like that and I LOVE wicker baskets too! I'm on the look out for a vintage tailors dummy, haven't found what I'm looking for yet! Jxo

  10. Wow so much eye candy! Love your finds. I especially love that first photo - those cups are such a great green!

  11. Wow! Your photos look so very... "sunday-market-in-the-sleepy-village-and-in-two-seconds-a-murder-will-be-committed-to-be-solved-by-Barnaby"-ish...
    Markets like this do exist outside movies *lol* Lovely!!
    I like your embellishments for bags and the tablecloth is just great :-)

  12. It seems that you spent a very entertaining time. I love that gorgeous tablecloth, and I probably would have bought the cabinet with the teacups.

  13. Such lovely things! You have the neatest events there and such wonderful vintage finds. I would be in heaven there! Thank you for sharing.

  14. how beautiful! So many lovely bits and pieces. Love your finds.

  15. You did very well with your purchases Nicky, especially love the little embellishments

  16. Wow! What a great day out!

  17. Wow what great fun! I love all your buys, especially those beautiful vases and the pretty basket!

  18. Oh I would love to poke around an outdoor market! So pretty

  19. Looks like so much fun! I can just see all of you on the hunt and chatting about everything! So did the rain stop? We saw on the news that you have had quite us with the heat! Great haul....I collect green glass as well. We call it Depression glass.

  20. So nice to have events like this. I especially like the yarn and tablecloth.

  21. I love all your goodies! I enjoy going to antique shops. There don't seem to be outdoor markets anywhere near me!

  22. What a lovely place! I love those green tea cups! Hope you have a wonderful July! Have a GREAT day!

    summerhugs, Kristin

  23. great goodies you picked up and I L.O.V.E. those green teacups in the first photo - they would have come home with me for sure :)


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