
Thursday 5 July 2012

Finish-along Seconds out - Round three! Ding Ding!

Get my boxing reference?

Anyway I think this means we are half way!

I am pleased to have finished all these quilts so far in the six months of Rhonda's Finish-Along!  Well the second ones in each row are not quite finished yet but they are now completed tops so more of them in this round!

Would you believe that quilt 1 top row is made with the same pattern as quilt 3 2nd row!?  They look so different don't they?  Both were made using Carolyn Forster's Kaleidoscope Hexagon pattern (see one of her versions here!!

This plan of Rhonda's seems to be really working for me so far.

In this quarter I am planning on finally finishing the Friendship Garden Quilt (2nd pic, 2nd row) started in 2005!  Eek!  I have a proper deadline too as it is our silver wedding day on 5th September 2012!  I have bought some backing fabric and have had the wool wadding/batting for quite a while so there is really no excuse!

I also have a commission quilt for a wedding in August, my many bee blocks and my purse swap to complete in this quarter so I am nervous of adding too many other things to my FAL list.

However I am wanting to finish Fright Nite (2nd pic, 1st row above) in time for Hallowe'en - I have a plan for the back - but need to get started on that to finish in time!  

And I would really like to complete the Granny/churndash quilt which I have started handquilting already in an overall clamshell pattern!

If I succeed in finishing these three that would leave just two projects to finish in the final quarter and any that have slipped from Q3!

The bottom two tops are two sides of the same quilt.

Don't think that the UFO thing is over for me then - those were just the projects that were furthest along.  I have to confess to another 8/9 at the block stage is one...

but I may not get started on them till next year or FAL 2013?  What about it Rhonda!? 

Linking up to Rhonda's Pre-Third Quarter Linky Party - see you there!


  1. Where do you put all these quilts!? You must have a huge airing cupboard and lots of very well dressed beds.

  2. Your blog title made ma laugh! I cant believe you finished all those beauties in 3 months! Cant wait to see your anniversary quilt finished and the green one (bottom right) looks amazing!

  3. As it's working so well for you, fancy trying to tick some of mine off? I was too ambitious last round with my 5 things lol

    Good luck...

  4. Well done you - I submitted one last quarter and failed!

  5. It's a very good job I didn't make a'd have knocked me out of the ring ;o)

  6. Wow that's still some bug accomplishments there! You've done a fantastic job! Hope you get all the other quilts finished up for when you need them =D

  7. You obviously need deadlines and to publically state your FAL projects. You are flying through them! Fantastic job Mrs Sewandsow. Di x

  8. Each one of those quilts is an amazing achievement! Well done N! Jxo

  9. wow, Nicky, you are so prolific...amazing quilts! Am liking the Cloud 9/solids one at the end and can't wait to see how pans out x

  10. These are all wonderful finishes - you really have been prolific!

  11. must feel so good to get these quilts done


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