
Monday 23 July 2012

Archie Mail!

I have to confess to watching ANTM - or America's Next Top Model! I don't know why!  I have also watched the Brit version too - it is pretty awful as people can get very bitchy about each other - well it is a competition and all that!

But when they get a communication from the host model about the next challenge they all shout out Tara mail or whoever!

But I am shouting out Archie mail or Helen mail or even more appropriately Wonder Mail!  

Helen has been a secret squirrel of late and I think she is trying to make me tidy - does she know what a challenge that is??  I told her I chuck threads I cut off on the floor and tidy up afterwards if at all!  

So she has made a fabulous Union Jack thread catcher - I am so thrilled I may actually use it though I will have to then turn it over onto the batting side away from her lovely stitching!  Thank you Helen!  And Archie!

But that's not all - enclosed was some fabric

A daisy print for my collection and sometime project!  I am getting closer to having enough fabrics - I just need to finalise the idea!

A strip of Kona dusty blue!  Well remembered Helen - I checked on my rediscovered colour card.  This is so I can add to my school house Kona sampler - yes before I bought the colour chart I decided to make my own colour chart with every Kona colour I bought - I must get back to that project as I love the blocks and enjoyed making them!  The sampler quilt will still be made!  I think I managed to make one block out a 2.5" wide strip half the full width of fabric - plus the background fabric - so it doesn't take much!

And not only that but she also sent me some pezzy charms -  shriek now 'cos they are brown!  Yup Helen is not a big fan of brown - me, I'm not so picky!  Ok it's not my favourite colour (except in puppies of course!)  but I think it has it's place!  No idea where they will end up as yet!

And here just because I can, a totally gratuitous puppy photo!   Maddie is a chocolate roan cockapoo - though I think chocapoo suits her better!

There may be a few of these to come!   

She is already a cheeky little girl!  And we have heard her voice today - yips, ruffs and quite assertive barks when she thought a dog brush might attack her even though it was playing dead at the time.  We all know how devious brushes can be so I think her's was a wise decision to be suspicious of it!

We are wondering at her preferred diet though - toilet roll - the paper and cardboard, newspaper and yesterday we were siting at the dinner table having our meal when my son suddenly burst out laughing - she was tickling his bare feet - guess she likes cheese then!



  1. awwww, that puppy is so cute!!!!

  2. Eeeeeuuuuw on the cheese thing! But loving what Helen sent you. Do you think I should tell her I put all my threads on the floor too? I even have been known to throw them over my shoulder on the sofa to land behind it so I don't have to face the obvious carpet guilt from my actions.

  3. Eeew cheesy feet... bet she licks you with that tongue too...
    Supercute pup :-)

  4. Does Helen know what kind of environment her lovely gifts have ended up in!? Didn't need the feet image in my head!

  5. Lovely of Helen to send new puppy toys ;o)

    I do feel that cockapoo is a most unfortunate name for a breed of dog though... She's right though, I never go near hairbrushes either ;o)

  6. What an awesome set of gifts! =D

  7. That's a very lovely thread catcher. I should have told Helen I chuck my threads on the floor tee hee. And Katy is right cockapoo is a most unfortunate dog breed name!

  8. Quilters are such sweet people....with perfect pets. Maybe Archie needs to teach Maddie some manners.

  9. Helen is doing a grand job trying to get you to be a tidy sewer! Maddie is doing a good job in her human training programme! Di x

  10. Lucky you. The pouch looks great!

  11. I got Archie mail too! Must blog about it tomorrow ;)

  12. These kind of post are always inspiring and I prefer to read quality content so I'm happy to find many good point here in the post. Writing is simply great! Thank you for the post.

  13. Cute little doggy! I've never seen a thread catcher. I also throw everything on the floor. I once had a magnet to pick up the pins, but have no idea where it is. Maybe I should buy a new one. Was kind of handy. When I lived in America for a year I used to watch America's Next Top Model. I liked it because it shows that reaching your goal is more a matter of attitude and passion, then beauty in this case.

  14. Great mail, great photos, very artistic. And chocapoo sounds much better.

  15. I do that thread thing - it drives Laughing Boy insane! I must make myself a thread catcher thingy although I reckon the floor is a good fall back!

  16. She is so unbelieveably cute!!!

  17. Love your mail from Helen, glad that I am not the only one chucking threads on the florr!!

  18. Another pet goat disguised as a dog then! Isn't Helen so lovely! I got a thread catcher too! It's almost too good to use! I might pin mine up as wall art!! Jxo

  19. Sweet parcel! I think we should do some candid shots of real sewing spaces with real mess - I do the thread thing too!

  20. I'm so glad you like your thread catcher - I live to encourage you into tidiness ;o)

    Maddie is so cute - how is she settling in? How many things has she chewed so far?!

    Sorry I've been MIA at the end of the swap and from emails, etc. This lurgy is a nasty one...I hope to beat it soon xx

  21. I am with Hadders and could have done without the cheesy-feet image! I love your thread catcher and please let me know if it works as I too chuck my threads in the floor. If it works I will make myself one!

  22. As long as she doesn't get a taste for fabric...especially the liberty kind. :)

  23. great mail and sweet maddie !


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