
Thursday 7 June 2012

In the Frame Purse Swap up and running!

With lots of help from LauraHelen and Katy the swap is up and raring to go.  

Laura has created a cute button

You can pick it up (I hope) from my side bar!  Isn't she clever!?

And Helen (she's very organised)  has been helping me set up a Flickr page here! with 

1 Swap Requirements page - what you have to agree to - ie make a purse and be nice - not that hard!

2 Sign up page - be sure to comment on both!

3 Introduce yourself page - well I am sure you can tell people a little about you...if you haven't been in a swap before don't be afraid to say so then we can all help you out!  Says she a veteran of five swaps I think!

4 Queries, questions and comments page - for everyone to exchange info!  Use it if you want to ask or say something

5 A supplies page that Katy has set up with the low down on where she gets her goods!  We all want to know that!

This is my first go at running a swap and I am learning on the job so a bit of patience may be required but I know some who have done it before and are standing behind me - you are aren't you??  - so I am expecting a happy successful swap with a lovely purse at the end!

I love my purse from the retreat and this was my first ever frame purse!

If it is your first time swapping don't let that put you off - you can do it !  I know you can!  Sometimes a leap of faith is required - I know I just did that in setting this going ....

Now this is what I got up to yesterday and today!

My Cherry-licious purse!  She is a big one!  I sort of mixed Katy Jones and Lu Summers!  Purse and portholes!

And yes the portholes are pockets....

More pocket action on the inside

Crazy I know!  

Already received an order for more frames from U-handbag  - that Lisa Lam is quick to ship as I only ordered them yesterday!  Well what are you waiting for??


  1. Very adorable cherry- licious purse and your coin purse is made with some of my favorite fabric!

  2. Good luck on the swaparoo! Not sure I actually have time to participate though... Will think about it :o)

  3. Like Laulli, I have so much on, but I am sure I can manage a wee purse :)

  4. We made them in an hour, whilst talking - surely them above me can find the time - all signed up and ready to make a mosaic this evening x

  5. I'm not going to part-take this time around N, chasing my tail so much at the mo I'm dizzy! But I know you talented lot will make wonderful purses! Jxo

  6. Good luck to all swappees!

  7. I hope it's a huge success...well, not too huge, we won't be able to cope!

  8. I'm in and have grabbed the button! Tell myself I'm too busy for any more swaps but this one I couldn't resist!! Can't wait x

  9. Well done on starting up the swap, I have given in! Ordered supplies from uHandbag today.

  10. That looks like fun! Good luck! =D

  11. I would love to join- but, never having made a frame purse I would be scared it would fall apart!
    give me reassurance that it is easier than it looks, and I might just get too tempted to miss out!

  12. I got in on the act already :oD

  13. How wonderful of you hosting a swap. When will the mail out be and where do we sign up?

  14. I know I suck at both requirements, purse and being nice, but I did order some stuff and signed up. I'll be biting my nails for dinner until end of the month.

  15. Looks like fun and your purse is amazing! I dont think I need another commitment though and I saw that the swap is full anyways.

  16. cute purses nicky - and love the button - love me some button bling on my blog !

  17. Oh I'm too late...Good on you to take the leap and organise a swap!!! I look out and see what all are making!


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