
Sunday 4 March 2012

A One Year Old !

I am one year old!

Well not me you understand but Mrs Sew & Sow is!  Who'd have thought it?  
Couldn't have done it without you all, wouldn't have wanted to....  

I started this blog mainly to keep a record of things I was making and principally trying to finish off UFOs but to me it has become somewhere to meet friends and chat about sewing stuff without having too many people yawn and beat a hasty retreat....teehee!   Ok wake up you lot!

But the blogging world itself is more than that and I feel I have learnt so much in this past year. What exactly have you learnt? - I hear you ask!  

First and foremost what a lot of fun, helpful, creative and supportive people you all are !  I have really appreciated all your advice, company, encouragement and inspiration.

Not only that but it seems I can do a bit of free motion quilting, raw edge applique and even a bit of embroidery on my machine!   Who knew ?  I certainly didn't before I started out on this adventure.

Now who started me off on this adventure?  None other than my friend Carolyn Forster thanks Carolyn as I have enjoyed this year of learning and I didn't know what I was letting myself in for when I went on that workshop with you back in 2010!

How do we celebrate a birthday in blogland?  - with a g***away of course!   And who am I to flout tradition!   

Here is a little something I made yesterday which may or may not interest you but it is a product of the things I have learnt this year and as such seemed an appropriate gift!

I have made it as a placemat for a birthday person but it can also be hung up if you prefer - I have sewn hanging corners into the binding at the top so only a stick of some sort is required.   You may also want to pass it onto someone else and that is ok with me too! 

So who gets it?  Well if you would like it perhaps you would be kind enough to leave a comment telling me so and I will post it to the first person I can contact drawn at whom I know not yet but I have three children, one hubby and a cat and I reckon it will be one of them.   Any no-reply bloggers among you - check the button on my sidebar for info - will need to add their email address in their comment.  Will post anywhere in the known world so international commenters are welcome and if I get loads of comments I may not get around to answering them personally...

No hoops or hurdles and as I would rather it went to one of my regulars I guess we should not advertise - hence no g***away word in the title!

Thanks to you all - it has been a year of fun and inspiration - wonder what the next one will bring??


  1. hi nicky have been stalking you for a while and like what i see !!keep it up !!

  2. sorry i think it will be the cat !!

  3. Well as it is mt birthday today too (slightly older than your blog) it would be remiss of me not to stick my hand up!
    Happy Blog Birthday.

  4. Happy blog birthday. Di xo

  5. Happy 1st birthday Nicky, here's to heaps more.

  6. Happy birthday! I am just a little bit older. I learned in the past year that bloggy friends can become real life friends - because I met you and we got on like a house on fire. Thanks!

  7. Happy blogiversary N! It's been lovely getting to know you a little. Love the MR, v.cute! Here's to another fab year of blogging. Jxo

  8. Happy bloggiversary to you
    Happy bloggiversary to you
    Happy bloggiversary Mrs Sew and Sow
    Happy bloggiversary to you

  9. I'm sure I haven't known you for the whole of that year SS but it has been my great pleasure to make your acquaintance. Keep up the good work and maybe this year we will get to meet up.

  10. Happy Blog Birthday, Nicky!! I am so glad to have met you through blogging! You have learned and grown so much with your quilting-- it's veery impressive! I look forward to seeing how you continue to evolve. Many more happy memories to you!

  11. Happy Blogiversary Nicky!
    It's been great following your blog! Keep going!

  12. Happy birthday! I hope you are having some cake for real as well! I'm quite new to following your blog, I found it through our sew and bee happy bee :-)

  13. Happy Bloggiversary!
    Your cake place mat/wall hanging is adorable and i'm enjoying you sweet blog.

    thanks friend :)

  14. Happy Birthday Nicky, great milestone!

    Best Wishes
    Kay in Scotland

  15. Happy 1st Anniversary !
    It's great fun and it actually does make me finish things and start new ones too.
    But that's the best thing about blogging.
    My friend got me into blogging as well.
    I hope you have many more
    " anniversaries "

  16. Hi, I just wanted to say Happy Blogiversary! What a cute placemat you've made :)
    Please don't enter me in the draw as I'm a very new stalker and enjoying popping in.

  17. You have come so far in only a year !! I love reading your blogs and seeing you learn and grow. You are an inspirational friend !!! Happy 1st's too many, many more !! Cheers !!!xxxxxxxxxxx

  18. Happy bloggy birthday!! Hurray, one year old today! Have I mentioned recently how much I love your blog?! Love the place mat - could become a new family tradition!! Can't wait to see what the next year brings!!

  19. Well happy birthday!!!! Great to have met you, and so many other bloggy people through having a blog!

  20. Happy Blogiversary! I love reading your blog and getting to know you! Here's to another wonderful year!

  21. Wow a year old. Congratulations. You better be having some cake!! =D

  22. Happy birthday! Blogland is a wonderful place, made better because you are in it.

  23. Happy, Happy Birthday to Mrs. Sew and Sow!!! I am so glad we found each have helped me in so many ways! Someday I will visit your little corner of the world and give you a big hug!

  24. Happy blog birthday!! I am so glad you took to the net it is always a hoot visiting with you.
    Of course I would love to enter to win one of your works of art!

  25. happy blog birthday Nicky - fabulous, fabulous post - and seriously I would have thought you had been free motion quilting for years - no really ! and I love your little cupcake placemat/wall hanging - its soo cute - and more of that fabulous fm quilting - you really are so good at that :) enjoy the bloggy birthday :)

  26. I have to add my mite, as I 'won' my gorgeous pouch from you, (I am still fizzing about it), and can only say, whatever you have made will be well worth winning!

    Good luck on your continuing blogging, I shall keep haunting you!

  27. Happy belated bloggiversary!! How wonderful :)
    Love the cute cake!
    Cheers to another great year and more fabulous creative stuff ;)

  28. Congrats on your blogiversary! Lovely stitching as always, Mrs, and I'm now off to catch up and see what you got in mouthy stitches! xx

  29. Im so glad you started blogging, so glad I got you in my first swap and glad you still listen/talk to me now! X

  30. Congratulations!! Both on your 1st Birthday and such a beautiful's gorgeous!

    Thanks for your time the other day...we had a wonderful time...real cake...mmm!

    Nora (and little Eleanora!) xx

  31. Happy blog birthday! Isn't it great to hear from other creative people? I'm so glad to have met you via blogging! Blog on!!


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