
Wednesday 11 January 2012

Another lovely present!

The very generous Benta @ slikstitches kindly offered to share out her recent Ozzy bounty in the form of some very cute fat quarter bags she had made from Australian fabric!  What a lovely girl she is!  And all for just a comment on her blog!

Anyway she was kind enough to send me this cutie with aboriginal style dot painting superimposed with some lively kangaroos!  Love it!

Thank you very much Benta!  And she has added a lovely label!

This will be put to good use for carrying little handsewing projects around most likely!   Just the right size!

G'day sport or some such !  Feel a Skippy moment coming on "Tchtchthc!" or whatever it was Skippy said to Sonny!


  1. Great bag and very generous of Benta!

  2. Oh, lucky you!! I love Austrailian aboriginal prints! What a nice surprise for you! Enjoy using it! You mentioned her label-- I'd love to see it. Maybe I'll hop over to her blog and have a look there. Have a good day! I'm having a v. frustrating one with my paper piecing-- lots of tearing out today-- so taking a break to read (and calm down a little). Hope you are well!

  3. Used to love watching Skippy. Do you remember when Skippy played the drums? Such a talented Kangaroo lol
    Good on ya cobber!

  4. How lovely of Benta - what fabulous fabric!

  5. Bloggers are such generous people and a kind and thoughtful gift from Benta. Remember the whistle and skippy would come bounding into action accompanied by music.

  6. Ooh! I have that very fabric, my sis sent me it from Oz....sall world.

  7. What a great bag for hand piecing projects!

  8. Weren't those bags lovely? I see you didn't try for Hadley's turquoise too though ;o)

  9. LOL, lovely to read all the comments, and have a little giggle! Im so glad it arrived safely.

    The bags are quick and easy to make, but I love that there are no raw edges. The name napes are from cash, the same people that make the ones fir the kids' school uniforms, aren't they great!


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