
Friday 14 October 2011

Why I have not been sewing.....

Lot's of you are sewing up a storm in a swap or Christmas (how can you be so organised???) frenzy and I am hardly doing anything stitchwise?!

I have been out and about too much of late I guess and yesterday wasn't much different!  

I had to get my brakelights sorted.  I know they were not working because some man pulled up to me in a supermarket car park, wound his window down and told me he had been following me for about 2 miles...creepy I was thinking!   Then he said he had nearly run into the back of me twice - well once I could understand!  But if you know someone has no brakelights why would you drive so close behind them!??  Never mind I did thank him and I am grateful  because he did not run into my car and neither did anyone else...phew!  They are working now!  Do make sure you check yours are working - drive safely!  Or you might get men in cars following you!

Next on the agenda was booking a short break to Rome!  Mission accomplished!  Now we need to find out what to visit while in Rome - any suggestions??  I have asked the children to do a bit of research but my son is lying beside me reading this and not looking up on the internet what he wants to see so I guess he is just tagging along with us...whingeing! 

I also managed to cut up my fabric to send to Emily for the Christmas fabric swap - it looks so pretty to see all these squares - can't wait to see our packages when they come back to us and I get two!  Yipee - twice as much fun!

I keep thinking of things I could do with my squares.  Every time I see a pattern with charms I am thinking how it will look in Christmas fabrics.   Some of course may find their way into the tablerunner swap if there is time...??

What I need to complete soon is my scrappy swap package...I have chosen the scraps.  Just need to make my goodie...

I was thinking that my partner might like a postcard from London based on this    motif...

which is a book illustration by Miroslav Sasek from the 1950s.  I think it will just be the guard as the Houses of Parliament would be a bit ambitious.  I am going to give it a go and will post it on Flickr to see if my partner reacts ...?  Maybe this doesn't qualify as a scrappy make but it will be fun!  If not required I will be happy to keep hold of him and make a scrappy pouch or possibly something else more appropriate to my particular partner....??  Helen (aka Archie the wonderdog) has given me a novel idea....



  1. Morning

    Life does have a habit of getting in the way! I'm doing a secret swap so I cant mention anything, it's doing my head in!!

    All I can say is do everything in Rome it's wonderful. I'm planning on visiting the Amalfi coast soon I hope.

    ps. We renamed the Spanish steps the p*ssy steps, not impressed!

  2. Will ask my parents about things they'd recommend in Rome - they were there about four years ago. Any chance that the man following you was George Clooney-esque? If that's the case I may disconnect my brake lights ;o) Love the look of the Christmas charms and I'm looking forward to seeing what you get back and I'm also looking forward to seeing the poster translated into fabric (and I'd love you to make my suggestion, just so I could say I know someone who made one!!)

  3. My BIL and SIL just went to Rome! I think the Vatican was big on their agenda....will let you know if I hear recommendations from them. How funny that both brake lights went out at the same time...usually it is just one at a time. So did the fellow follow you in the grocery with the cart too!!! Hee hee!!! Love the is FABULOUS!!! You will do this sooo well!

  4. Rome - lucky you! I am sure that you will have a good time. I think that you can't beat St Peter's for a great place to visit and do pay to go all the way to the top. The view and the experience is wonderful.

    Nicki, could you test this reply and make sure I haven't become a no reply blogger. I am trying to change over to a gmail account as I am so sick of my 'temporary' email and am fully aware that himself will never get it fixed so have taken things into my own hands.

  5. Oh those charms look delish, cant wait to have them here :)

  6. How exciting that you are going to Rome!! I've never been, but it should be exciting. Have you watched the movie Roman Holiday with Audrey Hepburn? Its wonderful. I've been working on my scrappy goodie this week-- very slow going-- I was trying to combine 2 tutorials and the one I made will be considered a trial run b/c it has many errors. I love your idea of a British guard for a postcard!! (What do they call them-- Bobbies? or something like that). Happy quilting with all your christmas fabrics.

  7. How did I miss this post?
    Lucky you going to Rome! I am sure it won't be hard to make a list of what to see.
    Your fmq is very snazzy. Your are doing a great job.


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