
Sunday 4 September 2011

Twinkle, twinkle ....

2 little stars in my baby constellation quilt!

More matrouyshka fabric, lots of dots and yellow pointy bits!  I will keep going until the fabric runs out or I have enough blocks to make my baby quilt. 

The blocks are 10.5" finished and I was thinking if I made 9, 12 or 16 I'd have the right size and could always add a border or two on if not.

Only had to use the seam ripper a couple of times with these so think the penny is dropping but lots more time to make mistakes yet.  

Somewhere on the quilt I would like to include the baby's name - pieced in, appliqued  or embroidered on - not quite sure yet ....if you have a view let me know.  

Twinkle, twinkle little girl!


  1. Loving those dolls. This is going to be a great, cheerful quilt. I would comment more but must return to my machine and soldier on with all the things that should have been done last week!

  2. How sweet your matrouyshka fabric is. This will be a fun quilt.

  3. Sweet, sweet quilt blocks! You could do the name on the back with Denyse Schmidt type works well with the liberated quality of your stars! Love it so far!

  4. Super blocks. I love the fussy cutting mixed with liberated star points.

  5. That is going to be such a pretty quilt and the owner will love it however you decide to do to it and I know you will come up with the right choices for borders and sizes etc.

  6. Those Russion dolls are so cute! Jxo

  7. ooo cute stars and the dolls are adorable! I like appliqued labels for names, but you could also piece it on the back? x

  8. Lovely lovely stars! Great fabrics and love those little dots!


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