
Thursday 29 September 2011

Friendship's Garden half way round the....


No I mean border!   Not much progress I know but getting ready for swaps: measuring tables, looking for inspiration, making a mosaic and such take me an inordinate amount of time!  

I reckon though after a few more swaps I will manage to cut my preparation time down - so I'm in for three, no four swaps:

Susan's Christmas Tablerunner swap
Emily's Christmas Fabric Swap
Kat's Scrappy Fabric Swap and finally
Brit Bee's Pillow Fight Swap

Phew - do I have time for anything else?  Deadlines all before Christmas!  Eek!

We have also had illness - first the little one, then the big one - just my middle one and us oldies and it's the whole set!  Plus kittens to cuddle - sadly not here....but at my friend's house. 

Today I was the sole cheerleader for my daughter's hockey team but only arrived after she had got hit on the head by a stick - so a quick run by me to reception for an ice pack and she was back on the pitch in defense!

And this weekend there's to be a party including sleepover for the big one who will soon be 18!  I know 18!  Where did all those years go!??  And as a favour to a friend I am on babysitting duty on the same night! (Secretly hoping to get lots of crochet or stitching done!)

Have I had time to do much?  No but here is that half border back on my washing line on this beautiful Indian Summer day.....

It has been coming along since 2005, so easy does it, but it is getting closer to that finish and how I will celebrate then...!  Party anyone!?


  1. Your quilt looks right at home among the greens of the garden - beautiful! Congrats on surviving (most of) the teen years! Many grey hairs? Jxo

  2. I'll party with you Nicky!
    That border looks great - I just love those stars :)
    Hope you're all feeling better
    Lucy x

  3. Half way around that border! Well done!
    Think I'll pass on the sleepover party.... but I'd love to come visit those gorgeous kitties next time.

  4. Sorry that the germs are already doing the rounds! Hope you manage to avoid them. The quilt is looking beautiful - and huge! It'll be interesting to see how you decide to quilt it, but however you do I know it will be fantastic.

  5. I love this quilt. It will be beautiful when it's finished. Well worth waiting for!

  6. Your quilt is so beautiful and impressive I don't know what to say. Keep stitching, my friend.

  7. The quilt looks beautiful in the garden! I'm not sure how you've managed to do so much work on it whilst you've had kids with the lurgy and preparation for all your swaps - not sure you sleep! Have fun babysitting, hope there's something decent on the telly to accompany your sewing and crochet!

  8. Now Nicky, that is one classy quilt taking shape there! Of course you must have a party, and invite us all.. :) x

  9. It is such a lovely quilt. I am thrilled that you are still working on it and haven't put it back in the cupboard.

  10. I'm in for your party!

    Love your quilt, slow and steady gets it done and this one is a beauty.


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