
Sunday 21 August 2011

Hexed happiness!

Yesterdayshowed you two hexagon blocks I had picked out from Jan Halgrimson's book Patching Things Up - Spinning star and Pinwheel!

After some positive comments I felt encouraged to have a go at making the Pinwheel block.  Thank you girls you do motivate me tremendously!

I have to say it was not without some diffficulty that I produced this block....
I had a go at using some templates I already had but when I drew them out on paper I realised they would not produce the correct size of block for my quilt. 

Like the story of Goldilocks and the 3 Bears this block was a bit too big.....

My next effort - I thought I had worked out the size it should be, but it turned out a little too small....

Never mind I have added a border and it will do for now.  Here is the group shot!

I will have to get serious about drafting this pattern properly and get me some of that hexy graph paper - it will be like going back to school, graph paper, compass, ruler and pencils and don't forget the eraser, I'm bound to need that!

No easy or lazy way out that I can see - just maths!

I also made three more of the bright Kaleidoscope Hexagon blocks by machine (so quick after piecing all the others by hand) and added all 49 blocks together to make seven rows of seven blocks as you can see here....

My next job is to zigzag from point to point of these blocks so I can join up the rows and complete this quilt top!  Yeah!  Saffy seems to like it!  But what should I do about those centre circles?

The options

1  All one colour throughout the quilt - more cohesion through quilt but may dominate
2  A fabric from each individual hexagon - continues scrappiness but each hexagon will read as one piece
3  A contrast fabric from the quilt but not in that specific hexagon  - more scrappiness but could draw different hexagons together

Ooh choices!  Any advice?


  1. The new hexagons look great - the pinwheel with the border is particularly effective and I'm tempted to do that with mine, it definitely has plenty of movement! The kaleidoscope hexagons are also lovely - how about a polka dot for the centre circles? If you got a small dot on white/grey (or possibly black?) then I don't think that colour would dominate. Or how about different dot fabrics - all with the same background colour but different dots? When it's stitched maybe you could lay it over some different fabrics and see which you like best? Whatever you choose will be lovely - looking forward to seeing more of it!
    P.S. Sorry for the extra long comment!

  2. The new one looks great, well done for sticking with it and working out the sizes. Re the bottom picture, I like the way they look at the mome t all on the same background so maybe the same centre but not too dominant a colour?

  3. oooh I love Archies suggestion! little dots, that way every hexie has a spotty middle, but they dont have to be the same colours!
    Pinwheel turned out great! Havent tried it yet, but I will ;-)

  4. How beautiful!
    I like option 3.
    What size are your hexagons?

  5. I love all your hexagons....really beautiful. Your Kaleidoscope block is fabulous...lots of movement! I think I would do option 3 as well. Great job Nicky!

  6. Fab hexies! I would go for one colour in all the centres. How about adding texture with suffolk puff (yoyos) centres? Jxo

  7. Too late after a long day to give advise. I shall have to look again tomorrow. But love the pinwheel hexie. My brain isn't too fried to know that.

  8. Oh wow! I hadn't seen your hexies before, they're amazing! Love that new one, so well done for persevering, it's no less good for having a border either...

    Re your dilemma on hexie centres, I think I'd be tempted to opt for all the same colour - how about a natural linen?


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