
Wednesday 13 July 2011

The orphans have found their home!

My little orphans from yesterday hung for a brief time on my design board before they (and a few other good hearted and clever people) suggested what next!  Thanks for your suggestions people - you help me out so much!

The answer that vexed me so was nothing! I'd run out of ideas because it was finished already!  

Well I did layer, quilt and bind it but essentially it had been complete and as several of you have suggested it is my new table topper.

The big picture

 The detail

I got the opportunity to use some of those gorgeous new threads in pink, peach and green in that centre square.  And the pink and green are stitched around the baskets and the accent sashing.  The binding is a pinky stripe cut on the bias.  I am posting a bit later this morning as I wanted to stitch it all down at the back and then had to get my photos.

Hope you like these shots of my topper in action - ok not so much action as just being there!

The style of these baskets goes so well with my Art Deco teacups - which I adore and only get out for special friends.   The teapot is a silver plated one that belonged to my grandma or possibly my great grandma.

Tea anyone?


I'm linking up with Quiltstory's  Fabric Tuesday, see my sidebar for their button.


  1. Wow you are quick! It is lovely, suits your home and I love the big stitches. What wadding did you use?

  2. Please tell me you did not complete that in one day! I may have to stop talking to you if you did. As I struggle to get a couple more stars stitched

  3. I so love a happy ending where everyone lives so happily ever after with a beautiful handmade and hand quilted table topper. Well done, I love it!

  4. Your new table topper looks charming on the table. Would love to join you for tea! The colored binding really sets it off. I like the hand stitching details in the quilt, too! Wonderful job!

  5. Ok, what time are you expecting me. Shall I bring the biscuits? It looks great, well done to you.

  6. I love it have completed a master piece again !!! I look forward to taking tea with you soon !!! xxxx


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