
Saturday 2 July 2011

Fred the Dog!

I loved making Cyril so much that I had to get started on Fred...

Here he is almost finished - didn't quite make the deadline....but my concentration goes after about midnight...and my hubby gets grumpy!

 Kept with the same shirting background and added plaids, checks and stripes, bigger buttons and a bit of burgundy stitchery for a bit more butchness!

Not enough embellishment yet and no binding but these will hopefully get finished off today.

Do you like him?  Or am I barking mad?

Here are Fred and Cyril - they are good friends already

There is a cat to come...but I think I will leave that till later.  And I thought I should devise my own pattern - a pig perhaps or a red squirrel???

Well I'll give it a go anyway and if you don't see it you will know my efforts have been disastrous....

I have been enjoying this country style with plaids and am launching myself into yet another country project - a string plaid quilt along with Juliekquilts...oh dear when will my poor UFOs get finished...?

But hey plaids rule!



  1. I'm not a car person (apologies to all who are), so I would go for the pig and the squirrel over the cat. I love Fred but for goodness sake woman, get some sleep!

  2. well done miss speedy!
    I love this new hanging heaps. Just as well you didn't reverse Cyril, they compliment each other better facing each other.

  3. I love the dog! The stitching is fantastic - cute, quick projects are fun! I vote for a squirrel :)

  4. Cute mini quilts, love the dog, the country style, fabrics...XO

  5. I do so look forward to seeing what craziness and quilty fun you are up to. Fred is so much fun!!
    I plan on doing a string quilt too...but not yet....

  6. Fred is sweet and the perfect companion for Cyril. Being a cat lover, I can't wait to see your kitty one and I like the idea of doing a pig one, too.

  7. Completely barking SS. Fred is very cute.

  8. I've always had a thing for plaids. Those are so cute!


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