
Wednesday 6 July 2011

Back to baskets!

I did get my UFO baskets quilt sandwiched together with it's pieced back and pondered for a while on how to quilt it.

The pondering is over and I have gone with my new love of big stitching in cotton perle.  So far I have been outlining the baskets with a green/gold sort of colour. 

I have quilted round all the baskets and just inside the border but I have yet to decide about how to quilt the border itself.

Not sure whether to quilt the background a bit more in between the baskets - I could probably get away without it but for decorative purposes I may want to add a little something.....but what?!

Time for more pondering - I like a good ponder, don't you????



  1. I like a good ponder too. I am sure you will come to the right conclusion. The colour you have chosen is just right for the stitching.

  2. I've no time to ponder. Off to the Cotswolds with me. But the stitching is looking great so far.

  3. Looks great! YOu could just do a grid....maybe diagonal from corner to corner....every 1.5 inches or so. Then back the other direction to leave you with a diamond will mimic the basket shape. Just a thought - maybe do the background in white to match your background fabric. It looks fantastic!

  4. Oh gosh just been pondering forever in the garden!

    Lovely quilt, I think the back must be another quilt in itself?

    Clare (amateur ponderer)

  5. I think this quilt is just gorgeous. All the different fabric pieces. Your quilting around the baskets looks great.
    Time for pondering the merits of one's navel?


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