
Wednesday 15 June 2011

Farmer's Wife - I'm jumping in with welly boots on!

I know I've been saying no new big projects until my UFOs are complete but now you know why I keep saying it - I am trying to keep myself in line when what I really want to do is jump on the next thing that comes along.

I have picked this book up several times and put it back down again but when I saw that Lynne from Lilysquilts had committed to joining in a quilt along using the Farmer's Wife book (available here!) using brighter fabrics my will power just threw in the towel, my resistance melted away and I had ordered the book before I knew it!   

The quilt along is being hosted by Angela from Fussy Cut and Amanda at Msmcporkchopquilts.  The Flickr group is here: Farmer's Wife Quilt flickrgroup

You probably already know all of this as there are lots of bloggers joining in on this one. 

I have never done a quilt along before so this is scary new territory to me but I have just received my copy of the book and I am throwing caution to the wind.

There are 111 blocks, some quite simple and all are 6" square!  The challenge is to complete 2 per week so here are my first two

Puss in the Corner

Autumn Tints  

The unpick gadget got a lot of use with this one before I was happy enough with this simple little block - eek - what will I do when I get to the difficult ones???

During this challenge I will be trying to learn more about value of fabrics and given that the book is called Farmer's Wife I want to introduce something of the countryside into my blocks but with a brighter colourway so I am cutting up my collection of plaids and hope to build my blocks around them and some funky florals.  



  1. I like your idea of using the plaids, etc then adding in the modern florals. It works really well in your first two blocks.

  2. you have taken on a challenge there and made a good start. Your fabrics are lovely and modern.

  3. You have been getting so much done you might as well start a new project!! The fabric is lovely!!

  4. Two blocks a week sound quite achievable so I am wondering why I put mine away and have not opened the box lid on them for so long. Maybe I will give the poor old dear an airing. You have made an impressive start.

  5. This is a great challenge - I love seeing the different fabrics everyone is using!

  6. Mmm - I'm tempted. I've sent for the book so we'll see when it comes. Sounds like a good way of learning new things. I think I could manage two a week. Your first two look good


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