
Thursday 9 June 2011

Basket quilt front and back!

I have posted about this little quilt before. 

The front:

The back:

Together at last:

Here it is all layered, basted and ready for quilting on my dining table - the only place big enough to baste a quilt without getting onto the floor and my poor old knees don't like that!

And here it is on the washing line blowing in the considerable wind....

Looking at the photo I think I managed to get the back and front fairly well centred but time will tell!

Yes another for that ever growing pile of quilts tbq (to be quilted).......but that also means I am nearer my goal of finishing my 14 UFOs this year!

Have you got a stack tbq?



  1. I have a pile with four tops to be quilted. It always is the hardest part of the job. They look lovely as flimsies too though. Well done on working your way through your pile.

  2. Sweet! Fantastic!! That quilt is so wonderful and now it is even closer to being done!


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