
Saturday 23 April 2011

Recycling makes beautiful boxes!

Over on fab designer Kate Spain's blog The Drawing Board she has posted about her new line of fabric (worth seeing!  drool) but also about her recycling habits to celebrate Happy Earth Day.

Well here is one of my recycling tips.

I take these cat food boxes:

Its ok they are clean as they contain the pouches my cats like to devour - and turn them into containers to hold pieces I have cut for my quilts or even fat quarters I want to keep together for a project I haven't got around to yet:

And sometimes I even prettify them like this:

or this:

It's amazing what you can store in one box!  12 lovely red/cream fat quarters in the second photo - and some may actually be 1/2 m - all sitting together ready to inspire me, visible but not in a heap! 

With different covers on I can more readily remember where I stored something as I always have more than one project on the go!  Don't you???

Go out and buy Whiskas pouches for your cats  -  only the 24 Bumper Packs will do but you do get two!  Wonder if they will send me some free cat food for this bit of advertising!???  No, I thought be honest, I'd rather they sent me some fabric, and Kate Spain's Terrain would be a good start! 

If you cannot get these boxes or for some bizarre reason do not have a cat (lol) start looking in your supermarket for products you do want with the right shape of box!

Go recycle but first leave me a comment about your top tip!



  1. Great way to recylcle. Thanks for sharing your idea!

  2. oh I love this , what a great way to recycle! would be good to store magazines in too.

  3. I use the empty cat food box for my paper recycling, then when it's pick up day, the whole box goes out for recycling.


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