
Sunday 13 March 2011

Tudor costume nearly there!

I was going to post yesterday about my lack of progress on the Tudor costume and my displacement activity of finishing a Hallowe'en banner instead.  

The banner is a Debbie Mumm printed thing which I have attempted to machine quilt.  I have not done much machine quilting and all I can say about it is DO NOT look at the back!  It looks allright from the front and was a small easy project to start with.

Machine quilting is still a work in progress for me...I so want to be able to quilt like you ladies who can do fearless feathers and stunning stippling but I will have to be happy for now following a printed line!

That was going to be my sad story however today I have knuckled down and nearly completed the dress and headress - only the hem, fastening and neck edging and it is finished!  Huzzah! (that's what they used to say in medieval times).

When it is finished I will of course post a picture with someone in it!  She fancies herself as the Princess and future Queen Elizabeth I no less.

I still have to buy some ginger beer for the feast on Wednesday because as you know all Tudors needed some ginger beer to make their party really pop! :D

Hope you have had a productive weekend without too many displacement activities!

Have a great week - I intend to, starting with a riding lesson tomorrow - Huzzah indeed!


1 comment:

  1. Oh wow! That dress is going to be AWESOME once finished!!! I can't wait to see it! I love the kitty in the wallhanging and the bat against the moon! Very cute!


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