This block, Kansas Star, is based on a 3 x 3 grid - a glorified nine patch if you like.
Each ninth part is made from a square in a square block, like this one - which is the centre unit.

Cutting requirements for each block
Nine 4 1/2" squares: one pink; four purple; and four white
Thirty six 2 1/2" squares: four white; sixteen grey; eight purple; and eight turquoise
How to make the square in a square unit
1 Centre unit - make one
Take the 4 1/2" pink square and four 2 1/2" white squares
Draw a diagonal line on each of the small squares. With right sides together, line up the first white square in the top left corner. The marked line should touch the edges of the bigger square, as in the photo.
Stitch along the line and trim away leaving a 1/4 " seam allowance.
Repeat in the other four corners.
2 Corner Unit - make four
Repeat the process in step 1, using a 4 1/2" purple squares, and four 2 1/2" grey
Repeat the process in step 1 using a 4 1/2" white square, two 2 1/2" turquoise
squares on the top and two 2 1/2" purple squares on the bottom of the bigger square.
When all units are complete arrange as in the block diagram above.
Press seams within the row in alternate directions - row 1 to the left, row 2 to the right or press seams open if preferred.
To join rows, line the seams up, pinning if necessary and stitch. When completed press.
Here is one of my blocks
In case you have chosen a different colourway here is a blank version of the whole quilt for you to download and play with your own colours.
Looking great. Love your colours and fabrics.