
Tuesday, 2 April 2013

My March in Fabric!

Fresh Sewing Day is upon us again!
Lily's Quilts

How does it come round so quickly ??  And indeed I am a day late but what is that between friends?

It seems I was quite productive this month.... a couple of birthday present cushions

A couple of double sided pouches!  Still love that birdy/feather one which I sent off in a swap!

And some bee blocks...for others

And some blocks I am asking for as Queen Bee - here are my samples

And some other blocks - just cos!

And this is a block I made from the Butterflies at the Crossing sub units (in the previous mosaic top right) and for the moment I'm calling them Tulip star blocks .....unless you come up with a better name....

And if I make them into a quilt they might look something like this...

What do you think should I go for it....?  They are a bit of a challenge for me  but not impossible...

Linking up to Lynne - you should too and look at what everyone else is up to!  


  1. Yes, go for it!

  2. Great eye candy here! Your birdie pouch is just lovely and your bee blocks give me new ideas. Loving it!

  3. What a fab month you had. I love the tulip blocks and would say go for it!

  4. oooh, nice! Like the new header too :-D

  5. I love your new header and that fabulous block! I like the secondary shape you get between blocks - would be interesting to play with colour choices and see what effects you get. I'm now singing 'Tulips from Amsterdam' and trying to get a name from that! I'll let you know...

  6. Love the new header. And all those blocks you have made!

  7. You have been sewing like a good 'un! I love your birdie/feather pouch too. Nice header too! Di x

  8. Lovely block, reminds me of spinning Catherine Wheels [fireworks] seeing them all together.

  9. Love the new header, as well as the rest of the sewing.

  10. You done well good there, especially given your charming addiction that took hold ;o)

  11. do it! Love the header too! Great month :)

  12. Yes!!! Go for it! That last mosaic looks incredible!

  13. I like the tulip star block, nice design. The Queen Bee blocks look great too.

  14. You did remember to feed the kids in March and walk the dog etc?

  15. your blocks are always so amazing!
    love the one in your header. Go for it I say.

  16. Lovely to see them all together, the tulip star would make a fab top!

  17. Love the makeover! A VERY productive month missus! Jxo

  18. Crikey your casual "some other blocks" would make me happy on their own but then you have all your other great makes this month too. Amazing!

    Love the new header!

  19. I'd say you have had a great month Nicky - lovely stuff as usual :) Your 'just cos' blocks are gorgeous.

  20. Wow, that is a lot of blocks! Yes, go for it! It will look fantastic!

  21. I like the butterfly at a crossroad block but I'm loving your new take on it. Go for it!


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