
Saturday, 26 May 2012

Pieces of Eight!

Odd title I know but I have been making a Pirate costume for my eldest daughter this week!

It has been a bit of a struggle moving from quilt production to costume production but I think I have succeeded!

I got a request for said pirate costume on the Christmas list - it had to be ready for Saturday 26 May!   My daughter would be wearing it to Comic Con in London!

She has been patiently reminding me as it has come closer to the event - I think she thought I would never start....well I did too!  Bad mother!

Until last weekend when we raided my store of non-quilty fabrics and found a red velvet curtain - it had to be red!   But I knew from the outset there was not quite enough of this fabric to make a pirate coat - but I cut out what I could!  

Next up was a trip to the local fabric shop and with a bit of discussion I found some black gaberdine - did you know that Gabardine was invented in 1879 by Thomas Burberry?  

I married the two and added some gold braid and brilliant buttons and here she is at 5 am this morning !

Have to say she doesn't usually like getting up this early!

I also made the lace jabot!  And bought a hat from the party shop which I stitched up at the sides to make that tricorn pirate shape, added the matching ribbon and feather - the original hatband was purple and the feather yellow - yeugh!

So getting up early to catch the train to London myself next week should be a  dawdle!   Yes?  


  1. The costume looks absolutely brilliant, Nicky! And she looks so proud. Hope she has a fantastic day in London. Great weather for it. I am amazed at your costume making abilities. I only sew in straight(ish) lines for the most part unless stippling.

  2. fantastic costume, and she looks so pleased! Well done :-D

  3. Your daughter has every reason to be proud, and so has you!

  4. Good grief, that's fab!

    I made loads of school play costumes and fancy dress costumes for my lot: all. 4 teletubbies, thing one, pooh bear, horse, hedgehog, bird, snowman, white rabbit, clown . . . But ALL from the same pattern which was a raglan sleeve onesie sort of thing. I always used cheap stretch velvet, and the pattern pieces started age 4, and I added length and added width as they grew - but you've done *real* dress making!!!

  5. Shiver me timbers! What a great job you have done and your young miss looks very pleased with herself. Well done Nicky.

  6. Crikey Nicky it looks amazing! Yep this time next week we'll be in the cab/be there!!

  7. What a Pirate! So cute - ok I know a pirate isn't meant to be cute, so please don't tell her :-) ! A wonderful costume, you are really talented - maybe a new carrier?? I hope she gets a perfect day.

  8. This is fabulous!
    Good work - good mother!

  9. you out did yourself and look how happy she is
    even if it is 5am!!!!
    what a great Mom you are!

  10. Heavens to Betsy!!! You are a jack of all trades! What a great costume. You are a costume designer!!! Fantastic Matey!!!

  11. She makes an adorable pirate.

  12. You are simply amazing...filled with hidden talents.

  13. Wow I see your talents don't just lie with quilts! Awesome costume! =D

    I'm hosting a new swap over at my blog if anyone is interested please pop over for a look =D

  14. Catching the train should be a doddle, don't dawdle ;o) The costume looks fab though, well done!

  15. Brilliant stuff Nicky! multi-talented! When I went to my dressmaking class this week, my dressmaker was speedily putting together a Thor outfit for her son, also attending Comic Con this weekend!! x

  16. Wow, that's fabulous!!!! I think you should wear it to the retreat! Or maybe make yourself a Union Jack version?!

  17. Well done, it looks fabulous!


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